Clark Fork School seeks students of diverse backgrounds, interests, and talents with potential to benefit from and contribute to the school community. Clark Fork School does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or national origin.

Enrollment Timeline

Families are enrolled in the following order: 1) currently enrolled students; 2) siblings of currently enrolled students; 3) children from families formerly enrolled at CFS; 4) families currently on the waitlist; and 5) new families. All enrollment at Clark Fork School operates on a “first-come, first-serve” basis.


  • PRIORITY Enrollment for Preschool and the Explorer Program begins.

    This is only for currently enrolled families, previously enrolled families, and alumni families.

  • Clark Fork School’s Open House takes place


  • OPEN Enrollment begins for Preschool and the Explorer Program. Priority is given to families on the Waitlist.

Looking to apply outside of the above enrollment periods?

STEP ONE: Check for Openings

Read through the information on the program you are interested in applying for under the PROGRAMS tab. Are there any current openings listed?

STEP TWO: Waitlist Application or Enrollment Inquiry

If there are no current openings listed in your desired program, fill out the Waitlist Application. If there is an opening available, contact us at to voice your interest and more forward with enrollment.

STEP THREE: Enrollment Paperwork

After talking to the Enrollment Manager, you will receive online access to the an enrollment contract and other necessary paperwork for your program. Once we have your contract and deposit, you will be officially enrolled.

Immunization Information

Clark Fork School is a licensed child care center and must follow all licensing requirements outline by the State of Montana. All children must be up-to-date on their immunizations before they are able to attend.